COALESCE will consolidate, further develop, and mainstream generated knowledge and connections on science communication to build up the European Competence Centre for Science Communication. To achieve measurable and sustainable long-term impact of the Centre, project objectives will pivot on co-creation and co-design building on cooperative relationships with multiple stakeholders including scientific and journalist networks, as well as university alliances. COALESCE operates in relation to international, national and regional hubs and builds on an interdisciplinary approach. It will demonstrate the means for rapid mobilisation of scicomm in times of crisis while fighting misinformation and engendering trust in science. Supporting all of this will be an accessible library of critical resources, toolkits, handbooks and training opportunities to R&I actors across the ERA.


Co-design a self-sustaining European Competence Centre for Science Communication

Transform the knowledge consolidated from SwafS-19, H2020, HE and national scicomm projects into valuable resources and tools for the Competence Centre through co-creation processes

Co-create the criteria of excellence for the Competence Centre to achieve high-quality, evidence-based, interdisciplinary scicomm, targeting 4H stakeholders and journalists

Establish and coordinate the COALESCE network of N&R hubs and the COALESCE Communities of knowledge and practice


COALESCE brings together the coordinators of all previous H2020 SwafS-19-2018-2019-2020 projects (NEWSERA, TRESCA, QUEST, GlobalSCAPE, ParCos, ENJOI, CONCISE and RETHINK) as well as key partners from each consortium, continuing and strengthening an alliance between academic researchers and practitioners that represent the state of the art of scicomm in Europe.

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Projects' coordinator




  • COALESCE, un proyecto para crear un Centro Europeo de Competencia para la Comunicación Científica. Fecyt
  • Cómo se informó sobre la dana: los primeros días desde el punto de vista comunicativo. Valencia Plaza
  • Comunicación científica inclusiva y participativa tras la dana: “Hay que ocupar más espacios para no dar vía libre a la conspiración”. El Diario


This project is funded by the European Union
Action No: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-60
Agreement number: 101095230
Execution period:2023-2027
Total funding: € 3 106 375