Scientific publication

Funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme 2018-1-ES01-KA0203-050827

The consortium of PERSIST_EU (Knowledge, Beliefs, Perceptions about Science of European Students)(2018-1-ES01-KA0203-050827) believes in the importance of students having a strong scientific background that would provide them with a high-quality skill set allowing them to make better every-day decisions on relevant topics related to, among other issues, their health management. Besides, PERSIST_EU is looking forward to promoting the improvement of educational pathways, pedagogies and assessment methods for educators. PERSIST_EU will produce an ICT tool to, quickly and immediately, assess the quality of training, including short seminars, MOOCs or official studies. salud.


Vengut-Climent, E.; Mendoza-Poudereux, I.; Moreno-Castro, C. y Serra- Perales, Ana (2021) «Let’s rethink the tools for scicomm evaluation». Public Communication of Science and Technology 2020+1. Virtual Conference. 27th May. Aberdeen. United Kingdom

Vengut-Climent, E.; Moreno-Castro, C.; Mendoza-Poudereux, I.; Mañoguil, B.; Delicado, A.; Pellegrini, G.; Leßmöllmann, A.; Hrnčiarik, E. y Ciapala, K. (2019) «Disseny i implementació d’una eina TIC per a mesurar l’impacte de la formació en la percepció de la ciència de l’alumnat universitari». Comunicación presentada en la Jornada Comunicació i Salut: experiències innovadores. 3 de mayo. Tarragona.


PERSIST_EU (2021). Standard indicators for the social appropriation of science: Lessons learned. Valencia (Spain): ScienceFlows & Science Culture and Innovation Unit of University of Valencia