Mental Health

The project “Journalistic construction of mental health and Spaniards’ attitude of the search and production of digital information” is the result of the I Social Research Grant “Media and Mental Health” convened by the Federación de Salud Mental de la Comunidad Valenciana and co-funded by the General Direction of functional diversity, attached to the Regional Ministry of Equality and inclusive policies through the programe “Action plans of social research on functional diversity”. The research period is from October 2016 to August 31, 2017. The study will be published in October 2017.


Cano-Orón, L., Vengut-Climent, E., & Moreno-Castro, C. (2020). Mental health images on the Internet: A Facebook and digital media content analysis in SpanishRevista Prisma Social, (29), 240-259. Recuperado a partir de

Research reports