Ana Serra Perales

Ana Serra Perales

University of Valencia | Science communicator


Ana Serra holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia and a master’s degree in political analysis from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She has developed her professional career in various institutional communication departments, as well as private organisations. Since 2017 she has specialised in the dissemination of European projects. She worked as dissemination manager of European projects within the Horizon2020, Erasmus+ and Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF) programs.

She currently belongs to the Science Flows research group as a Science Communicator.


  • Serra-Perales, A. (2022). Estudio bibliométrico sobre la confianza de la ciudadanía como valor o actitud durante la pandemia del covid-19. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network7(14), 56–66.


  • Serra-Perales, A. (2023) “Participación ciudadana proactiva de personas vulnerables en proyectos de investigación en Iberoamérica” en Las universidades iberoamericanas ante los retos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en García-Galindo, J.A y Martín-Martínez, M. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
  • Moreno-Castro, C., Dzimińska, M., Krzewińska, A., Warwas, I., & Serra-Perales, A. (2022). «Citizens’ Political Discourses on Climate Change and Vaccines: A Comparative Study Between Spain and Poland». In D. Palau-Sampio, G. López García, & L. Iannelli (Ed.), Contemporary Politics, Communication, and the Impact on Democracy (pp. 329-351). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8057-8.ch017


  • PERSIST_EU (2021). Standard indicators for the social appropriation of science: Lessons learned. Valencia (Spain): ScienceFlows & Science Culture and Innovation Unit of University of Valencia
  • von-Polheim, P., Serra-Perales, A., Moreno-Castro, C. (2022). Manual de buenas prácticas en comunicación y promoción de la alimentación saludable. València: ScienceFlows/Unidad de Cultura Científica y de la Innovación de la Universitat de València.


  • Mendoza-Poudereux, I.; Serra-Perales, A.; von-Polheim, P.; Moreno-Castro, C. (2023) Exploratory study of diets in the Spanish newspapers’ headlines. Oral Communication presented in Public Communication of Science and Technology, 2023. Rotterdam.
  • Moreno-Castro, C; von-Polheim, P.; Serra-Perales, A.; Mendoza-Poudereux, I. (2023) The role that people that seek trust information about food-related myths play as fact-checkers.
  • Oral Communication presented in Public Communication of Science and Technology, 2023. Rotterdam.
  • Serra-Perales, Ana. (2022). Presentación de los resultados de la encuesta sobre alimentación en los campus universitarios españoles. Communication presented at the Jornada sobre alimentación saludable en los medios de comunicación y en las redes sociales. Universitat de València. Instituto de Investigación en Políticas de Bienestar Social (POLIBIENESTAR). June 2022.
  • von-Polheim, Paula; Serra-Perales-Ana (2022) El proyecto CADENUSA: Promoción de la alimentación saludable. Communication presented at the Jornada sobre alimentación saludable en los medios de comunicación y en las redes sociales. Universitat de València. Instituto de Investigación en Políticas de Bienestar Social (POLIBIENESTAR). June 2022. Available on:
  • Vengut-Climent, E.; Mendoza-Poudereux, I.; Moreno-Castro, C. and Serra Perales, A. (2021) «Let’s rethink the tools for scicomm evaluation». Public Communication of Science and Technology 2020+1. Virtual Conference. 27th May. Aberdeen. United Kingdom. Insight talk
  • Moreno-Castro, C. Vengut-Climent, E. Mendoza-Poudereux, I. Cano-Orón, L. Serra-Perales, A. (2021). Which has more influence on the Spaniard’s citizens dieting: the media’s information and social networks, health professionals or close experiences of relatives and friends? (Participatory science communication and citizen science), 28 April 2021 11:00 BST, Public Communication of Science and Technology. PCST2021 Conference-Aberdeen
  • Moreno-Castro, C.; Vengut-Climent,E.; Cano-Orón,L.; Mendoza-Poudereux, I.;and Serra-Perales, A.(2021) «Between the role of dietary intervention based on scientific evidence and the dissemination via WhatsApp of hoaxes related to superfoods: A descriptive study on the top 100 ‘magical ingredients’ with healing powers for COVID-19». Communication presented at the Science & You 2021 Conference. Universidad de Lorraine. Robert Schuman Conference Center, Metz (France), 16-19th November 2021.

Participation in R&D projects funded in Public Calls

  • Pridmore, J. and Arias, R. (2023-2027). Coordinated Opportunities for Advanced Leadership and Engagement in Science Communication in Europe (COALESCE, HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-60 -101095230). Financiado por la Comisión Europea con 3.106.375 €
  • Moreno-Castro, C. (2019-2023). Estudio de las modas en la alimentación a través del ecosistema comunicativo (ESMODA-ECO, RTI2018-099663-B-I00)
  • Moreno-Castro, C. (2019-2021). No Rumour Health (Erasmus+, 2019-1-ES01-KA204-064037)

All session by Ana Serra Perales