Unconventional therapies in political programs and tweets published by Ciudadanos, Podemos, PP, PSOE and Popular Unity candidates during the campaign of General Elections 2015

Unconventional therapies in political programs and tweets published by Ciudadanos, Podemos, PP, PSOE and Popular Unity candidates during the campaign of General Elections 2015


Cano-Orón, L. & Moreno-Castro, C. (2016). “Las terapias no convencionales en los programas políticos y en los tuits publicados por los cabezas de lista de Ciudadanos, Podemos, PP, PSOE y Unidad Popular, durante la campaña de las Elecciones Generales de 2015”. Communication featured at the Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Periodismo de Datos: Nuevas narrativas para el Periodismo Especializado. Universidad de Málaga, February 25-26.


This research aims to evaluate and study the treatment of non-conventional, complementary, alternative or integrative therapies through the electoral programs of the general elections of 2015 in five political parties: Ciudadanos, Podemos, PP, PSOE and Unidad Popular. Also, the tweets published by their chief candidates during the election campaign are analyzed. To address the research, we have used two methods of data collection and evaluation. To study the electoral programs, we used a file dump content analysis. To analyze tweets, we have used the T-LAB 9.1 software. corpus linguistic analysis. The main results of the research show that very few references to such therapies are made. Unidad Popular and Ciudadanos propose that they must not be part of the service portfolio of the SNS, while the PSOE proposes to regulate for those people who wish to use them.

Key words

Electoral program, health, non conventional therapies, alternative therapies, complementary therapies