ScienceFlows participates in the Docufòrum: “Productes miracles i pseudociència: impostures i negocis”
How are miracle products spread? Why are they not banned? What are their consequences? Why, despite the obvious advances in the revolution of medicine, do skepticism and scientific denialism seem to increase? The Docufòrum, produced by the Vicerectorat de Projecció Territorial i Societat, reviews these and other questions together with some researchers of the Universitat de València
Last Thursday, February 3, the documentary “Productes miracle i pseudociència: impostures i negocis” was presented in the Saló de Graus of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication. Among others, the documentary reports some of the conclusions of the ESTENAS project, whose objective was precisely to analyze what images the media and the social networks build about the natural, complementary and alternative therapies, and what values are spread to society about these unconventional therapies.
As Lorena Cano explains in the Docufòrum “The discourse on natural therapies is very tempting: it is something natural, that does no harm and, as it does no harm, you can try it … so who does not want a quick solution, within reach and if it also prevents you from going to a more aggressive treatment …”.
The discourse in natural therapies is very tempting: it is something natural, that does no harm and, as it does no harm, you can try it …
For her part, Carolina Moreno also spoke about the difficulties that exist to dismantle a pseudoscience or a miracle product: “it is difficult because it is a question of faith if someone bases his/her discourse on rationality – she explained – the person who believes it is not based on rationality, so whatever I tell him or her, it doesn’t matter”. He also warned that through private social networks, such as WhatsApp and Telgram, large groups are created through which disinformation is spread.
As explained by the Scientific Culture Unit in a press release, the Docufòrum is an audiovisual format promoted and designed by the Vicerectorat de Projecció Territorial i Societat and made in high definition (HD) by the Taller d’Audiovisuals (TAU), which addresses current issues and social interest in a documentary style. The program currently consists of 25 audiovisuals that address issues related to the Valencian territory and society.
Each of the Docufòrum that have already been presented are available on the YouTube channel of the Vice-rectorate of Territorial Projection and Society.