Ibero-American Network for the study of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030
IBER-RED project aims to promote a multidisciplinary space for research that serves to foster relations between teachers, researchers and national and international experts from different areas of knowledge, ranging from Cultural Studies, International Studies, Communication, International Relations, Law or Political Science, etc.., whose nexus of union is to meet the goals of the Agenda 2030 in Latin America
The 17 challenges posed by the Agenda 2030 pursue equality for all human beings, the protection of the planet and its resources, and prosperity as an objective and common good, a global social contract that leaves no one behind. Within the SDGs, we pay special attention to the following, without undermining the study of the entirety of the Agenda 2030:
- SDO 4. Quality education
- SDO 5. Gender equality
- SDO 10. Reducing inequalities
- SDO 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Network subsidized by the University of Malaga, Vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer, Plan Propio, call 5.- Ayudas para la constitución de redes temáticas 2021.
Promote a multidisciplinary research venue for the study of the Ibero-American space and specifically the role of Spain and Portugal in the European and American contexts within the framework of the SDGs of the Agenda 2030
Establish the current and historical lines that influence this conglomerate of relations in order to issue specialized articles resulting from the scientific study of the researchers that make up the Network.
To promote knowledge and debate in all academic forums where we have the opportunity to present the results, be they papers, communications, etc.
To continue contributing to this field, increasing the number of collaborators from Spain, Portugal and the countries of Ibero-America, who, from their disciplines, help to improve and increase knowledge about the purpose of this Network.
Influence the dissemination and inclusion of the SDGs and the Agenda 2030 in the academic context, but also in society in general, thanks to dissemination activities and different communication actions, thus contributing our grain of sand in the achievement of these global challenges.
To promote meeting points and dialogue, taking into account diversity and democratic principles, and to defend fairer social, political and economic models.
To contribute to the reconstruction of international relations in a scenario of coexistence, balance, cooperation and solidarity that serves to confront the problems of our time.
Ibero-American Network for the study of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030