
In ScienceFlows, the participants are researchers from the University of Valencia, the ESIC Business&MarketingSchool of Valencia, the University Jaume I, the Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Almeria and the University of Otago. One of the highlighted characteristics of this group is its multidisciplinarity, for the professionals who compose it come from the areas of Health Sciences, Engineering, Education Sciences and Social Sciences.

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Scientific production

The research areas of the ScienceFlows team are focused on the public comprehension of science, the social perception, the scientific dissemination, the history of science and the contemporary scientific culture. In this website, the academic writings, derived from our research projects carried out by the group, are available.

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Recent publications

Moreno-Castro, C. Vengut-Climent, E. Cano-Orón, L. Mendoza-Poudereux, I. Serra-Perales, A. (2021) Between the role of dietary intervention based on scientific evidence and the dissemination via WhatsApp of hoaxes related to superfoods: A descriptive study on the top 100 ‘magical ingredients’ with healing powers for COVID-19 Oral communication. Link.

Roger-Monzó, V. Martí-Sánchez, M. (2021) El discurso ultraprocesado en la prensa digital española. Comunicación presentada en el congreso ESIC-IMAT de 1-2 de julio de 2021. Link

ScienceFlows Group

ScienceFlows is composed by a multidisciplinary work team coming from the areas of Health Sciences, Engineering, Education Sciences and Social Sciences, which participates in training activities, seminars, meetings, post-graduate conferences and PhD programmes from different Spanish universities, on scientific culture research areas.

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