
Call for papers: “Communication of health and citizenship in times of the covid-19 pandemic. A transatlantic look

ANA SERRA /  The journal Transatlantic Studies Network (TSN) edited by the Centre for Ibero-American and Transatlantic Studies FGUMA-UMA and by the research group E-COM: Study Group on Communication and the Information Society has launched a call for the reception of manuscripts for the monograph “Communication of health and citizenship in times of the covid-19 pandemic. A transatlantic look”. The monograph is coordinated by Carolina Moreno and will accept the reception of manuscripts until June 30, 2022.

Call for papers monograph TSN

Communication of health and citizenship in times of the covid-19 pandemic. A transatlantic look

This monograph of the TSN magazine aims to connect the health knowledge of Atlantic societies, through the covid-19 pandemic. Although the contagion spread first in Europe and later reached the American continent, many of the events that occurred did not help make decisions that were more beneficial for people. In this monograph we will investigate how news about science and health was received in different countries, and how it impacted on citizens. How was the communication of the measures adopted by the different governments managed? In general, how information about the pandemic was managed, also highlighting misinformation and the strength or weakness of authoritative arguments. The proposal contemplates the presentation of papers on how health information was managed in the different regions and its projection a year and a half after the whole problem began. The deadline for manuscripts reception is June 30, 2022. The length will be between 6,500 (minimum) and 10,000 (maximum) words. The main topics discussed should answer the following questions:
  1. Do people trust the information that has been officially released about science more after the covid-19 pandemic?
  2. What images appeared in the media about health care models for sick people?
  3. How has the pandemic impacted the health information systems on both shores?
  4. Has science lived up to citizens? What mechanisms have scientists used to communicate with citizens?
  5. What strengths and opportunities have spread through the public sphere about health care during the pandemic?
  6. How have different age groups on both shores experienced the pandemic: children, teenagers and the elderly? Use of social networks, mobile phone private channels, and others, to access content about covid-19.
  7. Has the circulation of disinformation had an impact on people’s attitudes?
  8. How was the graphic humour about covid-19 in the different countries?
  9. The covid-19 pandemic started in a market. What was the role of food and nutrition during the pandemic? Images of supermarkets, the first foods to disappear from supermarkets, food distribution to the most vulnerable populations, and the appearance of superfood hoaxes, or magical foods to prevent or cure covid-19.
  10. The vaccine debate. What role has the media played in the image that has been spread about covid-19 vaccines? Differences between countries and current situation.

What is TSN

It is a multilingual magazine that publishes texts in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. It is open to all those researchers who address the topics indicated. The rules for the presentation of monographs are available on the journal’s website. Translation: Amaia Crespo