Attendance to the conferences ‘The path of well-being’
Yolanda Cabrera, researcher of the ESTENAS group, attended together with other members of the research team, during the days 19 and 20, the conferences, which under the motto “The path of well-being”, have been held at the Mercantile Athenaeum of Valencia, organised by the Ágora Bienestar Valencia ( Throughout the presentations, talks and debates efforts have been made to offer a global vision of welfare thanks to the presence of experts in the field that have addressed the issue from a triple perspective.
First, the wellbeing of the body to be healthy, with the presentation of some of the most innovative APPs in the medical and personal training sectors. Second, the well-being of the mind to reach the maximum professional and personal potential and finally the welfare referred to a stress-free healthy environment that affects productivity and improves the work environment and the income statement.
The talks that aroused more excitement among attendees were by writer Javier Iriondo and by emotional intelligence specialist Elsa Punset.