Alternative therapists in Mexico and the WHO traditional medicine strategy 2014 – 2023: communication, beliefs and socio – economic factors

Alternative therapists in Mexico and the WHO traditional medicine strategy 2014 – 2023: communication, beliefs and socio – economic factors


Corell-Doménech, M. (2019). Terapeutas alternativos en México y la Estrategia de la OMS sobre medicina tradicional 2014-2023: comunicación, creencias y factores socio-económicos. Perspectivas de la comunicación, 12(1)pp. 59-77.

This research constitutes a qualitative study that analyses the declarations of 12 alternative therapists from urban environments in both Mexico City and the State of Mexico in order to assess whether their practices respond to the recommendations of the WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023. The  World Health Organization (WHO) promotes the introduction of these practices for socio-economic and cultural reasons in Mexico. The declarations confirm that alternative and complementary therapies can contribute to well-being and people-centered health care.
Among  the results obtained, we observed that the interviewed therapists demonstrated capacity of observation, showed empathy with their patients, considered the emotional states of their patients as being decisive in health
-disease processes, and also that their fees were flexible. In some cases,
therapists propose the use of complementary therapies in serious diseases such as cancer, which provokes an ethical debate and confirms that it is necessary to promote the rational use of these practices as indicated by the WHO in the aforementioned document.
We conclude that the incorporation of products, professionals and practices to the Mexican health system requires continued investigation and regulation of  the practice, training and products in order to guarantee their effectiveness and the safety of users.
Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Traditional Medicine, World
Health Organization, Domestic Medicine, Health Education.