
ScienceFlows at the 10th Edition of the ‘Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social’ (10th CILCS)


The researchers Yolanda Cabrera and Vanessa Roger Monzó, members of the ScienceFlows group, have attended the 10th Edition of the ‘Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social’, held at the University of La Laguna (Tenerife) from December 3rd to 7th. Their communication entitled ‘Los discursos pseudocientíficos en las redes sociales: un análisis a través de canales temáticos’ was included in the panel discussion 1030, which took place on Friday December 7th. This panel addressed the subject of communicative uses and interaction of stablished or surging social networks. In their presentation, the ScienceFlows researchers presented the results of the analysis carried out on a theme Youtube channel with mercantilist bias. The results of this study will be published imminently in a book of presentations, derived from the conference.

On this occasion, this annual meeting, has gathered around 300 participants coming from 106 different European universities and counted on a wide participation from Latin American countries that have discussed the challenges of contemporary social communication.